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Refund Policy

Refunds and Cancellations

Do you offer refunds and cancellations?
1、Address Changes:If you need to change the shipping address, please send us an email with your order number, the current shipping address, and the address that you would like to change it to. We can change the address up until your order leaves our facility!
2、Damaged/Misprinted Items:If the product arrives defective, we will reprint the item and resend it free of charge. Please contact us here with a picture of your item and order number. We will reprint your item and deliver within five days.
3、Lost Package:If your package appears to be lost in transit, we are more than happy to replace the package and ensure your order makes its way to you. If you do not want the package to be replaced, we must wait 14 days before refunding the order in the event that the package finds its way to you and is delivered.
4、Cancellation / Return:If you want to cancel the order, you must cancel within 12 hours after placing the order. If cancelled within the allotted time, you will receive a full refund. Since your personalized product is unique and tailored to you, we do not accept returns after 12 hours of order.

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